First Baptist Church of Varnville

165 E. Palmetto Ave. varnvillefbc@lowcountry.com
P.O. Box 306
Varnville, SC 29944 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (M - Th)

Pastor Thomas R. Kelly, Jr.
Pastor Tommy was born May 29, 1963, son of Thomas and Ola Jean Kelly.He is married to Phyllis Darlene Adams of Union, South Carolina and they have a daughter Rebekah.
He was licensed to preach at his home church, Carlisle Baptist, in Carlisle, South Carolina on November 2, 1986.
He was ordained there on November 13, 1988.
Educational Background
* Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg, South Carolina A.A. Degree in Liberal Arts, Graduated May 10, 1983
* Lander College, Greenwood, South Carolina Bachelor of Science in Physical Education with Teacher Certification, Graduated December 20, 1985
* Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina Master of Divinity, Graduated December 10, 1988
* New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, North Carolina Clinical Pastoral Education, Two Basic Units, Graduated April 30, 1993
* Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC. Received Doctorate of Ministry, May 15, 2005.
Ministry Experience
- Pastor First Baptist Church, Union, SC - Summer Youth Worker May 1985 - Sep 1985
- Blaney Baptist Church, Elgin, SC - Summer Youth Minister/Part time Youth Worker Jun 1986 - Dec 1986
- Mon-Aetna Baptist Church, Union, SC - Minister of Youth Jan 1987 - Jun 1988
- Temple Baptist Church, Wilmington, NC - Minister of Education & Youth Jul 1988 Jan 1991
- Atkinson Baptist Church, Atkinson, NC - Pastor Feb 1991 - Apr 1994
- First Baptist Church, Varnville, SC - May 1994 – Present
Remaining staff
Minister of Youth & Children
Minister of Music Annette Tuten
Praise & Worship Leader Chip Mixon
Secretary Sharon Moody
Treasurer Greg Ackerman
Custodian Terry Hiers
Pianists Peggy Stanley, Phyliss Kelly,
Robert Brown, Chairman David Ellis, Secretary
Randy Vaughn, Vice Chairman. Francis Mills
Lee Mixson. Bill Parker
DeKellly Pittinger Mike Poston